Category Archives: research

ESRC relaunches website

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has just re-launched its website at

The site provides access to all ESRC-funded research findings including journal articles, books and papers as well as details of the impact that the reseach has on the economy, society and individuals. ESRC’s research covers a vast range of subjects including employment, education, health, crime, the environment, wellbeing, the economy, social diversity, innovation, skills, technology and security.

Thoughts for Twelfth Night

Blog readers who made a blaze with their Christmas lights this year – or who criticised those who did – might want to read this article featured in SAGE Insight describing fascinating research into the people who light up their houses and streets and the reactions of the media. It’s a thought provoking article, and reminds us not to make instant assumptions!

A moment’s madness

I attended the excellent Library and Information Science Research Coalition conference at the British Library this week. The well designed programme enabled both audience participation and expert input from speakers. The one-minute madness strand really made an impression and demonstrated yet again that we should all be ready to share important messages in as punchy a way as possible (elevator speech anyone?).

Delegates used the opportunity to share information about their research interests and to find others who had similar interests or who could provide help and support. Most impressive was the ability of almost everyone to speak for exactly 60 seconds without the need for the Chair’s 2010 version of ‘the gong’ – the i-phone vuvuzela app – to hurry them along.

Upcoming conference

The Library and Information Research Coalition holds its first conference this year on June 28th at the British Library Conference Centre. The programme explores the LIS research landscape and combines keynote speakers with breakout sessions and opportunities for active delegate participation.

The programme looks excellent and I am delighted to have been asked to facilitate break out session on the day.

It’s also interesting to note the low price of this conference. £84.10 seems excellent value for a one-day event in central London. Congratulations to the programming committee and all those concerned.